Aboult ANOLE

Installing And Adjusting Hot Runner System
author:Anole   2023-12-12   click:334

Injection mould hot runner system installing and adjusting ,not only including machinery

assemble ,but also the installation of meter&electric system.

Before installing and adjusting hot runner system,we should pay attention to one keypoint——thermal expansion.

Only installation proceed under room temperature can guarantee the successful installation.


Installing and adjusting open series nozzle system

First,check gates

Before install nozzle,operator must check working accuracy for each gate hole and gate hole set on the cavity plate.

These hole on the cavity plate is processed by mould maker.

Second,check the cavity plate tapping location of multi nozzle

Multi-nozzle hot runner system,before installation,the worker should check locating accuracy for hole on the mould plate.


How to installing and adjusting hot runner system to mould cavity? And hot runner system install step?

First, we should check manifold is install at mould frame and maker sure it around heat insulation is same.

Taking notice the connection head cannot touch with cavity plate.

Then check the nozzle axis direction.

Third,installing and adjusting multi-nozzle system


Installing and adjusting hot runner system is very important to a mould manufacturer.

It is necessary for hot runner system and hot manifold installation.

Anole hot runner is a professional hot runner system andhot runner mould maker in China.

We have rich experience in hot runner system and mould.

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Contact information

Add:369# XinJiang Rd., Xinqian Street, Huangyan Taizhou, Zhejiang, China

Tel:+86 138-5865-8631


E-mail: service5@anole-hot-runner.com


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