Aboult ANOLE

Replace the heater coil
author:Anole   2023-12-12   click:297

1, waiting for the injection mold cooling, remove the hot half from the mold

2, unload the locating ring (another function of locating ring is fixed thermal printheads)

3, mounted on the lifting hole with the M3 screws ,remove hot nozzle, pay attention to the heating coil can not be squeezed,

4,remove snap ring, and Heating coil insulation cover

5, hold the hot nozzle head, clockwise and moved outside and pull the fever circle to make it step by step from hot nozzle

6, installing a new wire, heating coil should as far as possible with the hot nozzle main body tiejin, front-end of the heater should reach hot nozzle front ring groove body inner core

7, clockwise rotation heating circle, make its move to the thermal nozzle head, ensure that the heating wire completely reach the hot nozzle front, to pay attention to the distribution of heat circle on the hot tip ends to close some, some thin.

8, fitted with heating coil insulation cover, if the insulation plate are tight, check whether hot coil installed 9, fitted with spring fever circle and testing standard resistance value and calculate the power (fever circle of standard work

We can supply you the highly quality Hotset heater.

Germany Hotset company was founded in 1973, focused on the research and development and production of the heating element and temperature control equipment.Is one of the best heaters in the world.


Any question please contact me freely.

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