Aboult ANOLE

Hot Runner System Classification
author:Anole   2023-12-12   click:288

There have two ways of hot runner system classification.One type is classified by heating ways.

This type has external heating,internal heating and heat insulation.

We major use external heating and rarely use internal heating and heat insulation.

Another type is the convey ways of melt plastic.


As we all know,most of small and medium size plastic products always need hot runner plus

cold runner from mould design and economy. The convey ways of melt plastic has two types,

main runner nozzle injection molding without manifold and nozzle and injection molding with

manifold and nozzle.Main runner single nozzle is belong to easiest hot runner gating system

without manifold. Single main runner nozzle replace the function of primary main runner cup and bush.

Main runner nozzle can be direct gate,pin point gate or other type gate. In the single cavity mould,we also use hot nozzle.


Hot runner system classification is easy,but hot runner system is complicated.

Hot runner system is both the extension of injection machine nozzle and mould runner system.

Compare to cold runner,it expand process injection quantity and reduce the pressure loss.


According to melt plastic run through main runner nozzle into nozzle under manifold ,

hot runner system classification still has many series.

Anole hot runner is specialize in hot runner system.

If you have any item need me,please feel free to contact me.

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Tel:+86 138-5865-8631


E-mail: service5@anole-hot-runner.com


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