Aboult ANOLE

Hot Runner Heaters Replacement Steps And Notes
author:Anole   2023-12-11   click:314

Hot runner heaters replacement steps and notes


Today let me share hot runner heaters replacement steps and notes with you.


1, set down hot half from mould.

2, hot runner system: remove locating ring (locating ring has another function of consolidating temperature).

3 Remove nozzle hear insulation cap,if necessary remove the mold would help if necessary to consolidate the fixed mold plate.

4, with a small crowbar remove hot nozzles, thermocouple wire and the heating wire can not be squeezed.

5, Remove the snap ring and the heating wire shrouds.

6 Hold the hot nozzle head clockwise and pull out slowly from the heating wire so hot nozzle.

7 Remove the thermocouple.

8, use multimeter check and ensure hot runner heater coil thermocouple resistance is 0 ohms (or less resistance).

9, if necessary, bend the head of thermocouple when change it.

10, when install new heating wire, the heating wire should be tight with the hot nozzle body.

11, turn the heating wire clockwise, move it close to the hot nozzle head.

12, fitted with heat insulation shroud.

13, fitted with snap ring.

14 check Thermocouple Resistance.

15 install hot nozzle into base holes, should be careful not to damage the heating wire and thermocouple.

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