Aboult ANOLE

Thermal Insulation Runner Usage And Thermal Insulation Runner
author:Anole   2023-12-11   click:336

Anole injection technology company is a professional hot runner supplier company. We have specialized in this line for over ten years. Thermal insulation runner usage is one of the simplest in the hot runner system. So know i’d like to introduction you thermal insulation runner usage and thermal insulation runner application .

Thermal insulation runner can be very advantageous ,when the mold is used under occasions that require constant change of colors or materials. Because when using such insulative runner, there requires uninterrupted production and rapid production cycles, since when the production is interrupted, the runner will solidify, and under such occasion the runner must be removed so that new insulative runner can form. thermal insulation runner normally used in the multi-cavity mold. The poor thermal conductivity of the molded material in the hot runner as well as the large section of the runner cause the core part to fuse, and the core part passing through the runner keeps injection new fused materials into the mold, which meanwhile also preserve s the fusion state of the core part. When this principle used in a multi-cavity mold then a thermal insulative runner will be form. Please pay a attention that a small coical mark of the gate will left on the molded products, since the inner surface of the main sprue and the gate connecting with the cavity must be conical so that the solidified plastic within the gate can be drawn out with the product during each injection cycle.

Thermal Insulation Runner Usage And Thermal Insulation Runner

Thermal Insulation Runner Usage And Thermal Insulation Runner-2

anole injection technology company is a professional hot runner supplier company. We have specialized in this line for over ten years. Thermal insulation runner usage is one of the simplest in the hot runner system. So know i’d like to introduction you thermal insulation runner usage, thermal insulation runner application .anole injection technology company is a professional hot runner supplier company. We have specialized in this line for over ten years. Thermal insulation runner usage is one of the simplest in the hot runner system. So know i’d like to introduction you thermal insulation runner usage, thermal insulation runner application .

The information that have been listed above is thermal insulation runner usage and thermal insulation runner application . If you have are interested in hot runner system please feel free to contact me.

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Tel:+86 138-5865-8631


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