Aboult ANOLE

Temperature Control In Hot Runner System
author:Anole   2023-12-11   click:253

Anole is a professional hot runner system make in china . We provide well quality hot runner system with very competitive price. And here i want introduce the very important part of it . That is the plastic temperature control.

Temperature Control In Hot Runner System

Plastic temperature control is the very important part in the application of hot runner mould. many problems which appears in the in production process and the products quality troubles are arising directly from the temperature control system not very well in the hot runner system. such as ,hot needle sprue gate are used in injection molding products the quality of the gate part in the products will be poor, valve type needle valve gate shut difficult problem, parts of multi-cavity mold filling time and quality problems, etc. in this condition we should use the hot runner that including the methods of more regional temperature control system. so that the flexibility and resilience of the system can incleased. the temperature can be well controlled and the quality of the goods can be ensured


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if you are interested in hot runner system , we can provide you well quality goods and can be your best choice to cooperate with. Just contact us freel.

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